Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The word is "Blogging"

Yaaaaaay!........ My blog has a follower! na na na na na........
Actually it's a good old childhood friend of mine......who happened to find me through my blog!......\Who better than a true friend to save my poor ol' "fit to be doomed without a single follower" blog right! so I thot.... what better occassion for a post :)? .....and decided to do the honours.......

Well...Yeah ! what ever! I still remember how it all started......
I was going thro' this "all I've done in life is reproduce - oh what a loser I am" phase ....... inspite of the fact that, in my mind I had a life plan all in place.... I would now go to school to do what most responsible adults did- an MBA.........abandoning all silly dreams of becoming a great architect (which i'm not sure i had, in the first place)!!
Anyways... the point being I really felt all wasted ....and then I chanced upon this blog....... which was pretty mediocre, for lack of a better word.... (and you thot I was bad!). And that's when the whole thing hit me....
Blogging means, not having to be grammatically perfect ....or using "author....ish" words like 'serendipity' and 'doldrums'all the time......It means being able to use a series of dots on end every time I get uncertain about how a sentence ended........ It means having a "blogger's liscence" I'd like to call it, that lets you write about anything under the sun till one fine day someone decides to get all saddistic and flag you!....omg!! did I just say write? no......that's the big no- no word here....... the word is - "BLOG"..... you blog- if you wanna make sure your bases are covered.......
And so, i blogged, for the first time...... it felt liberating and all .... and allowed me the pleasure of a casual brag about my blog in the midst of a conversation with friends ..... ok may be not all that casual ....I'm kinda known for my lack of tact.....
But all I secretly wished for in the mean time was just one comment.....or even worse .... for the number of views to go up by two instead of one every time I read my own blog. For three whole days I read , re read and edited it, taking off an extra comma here and adding an exclamation mark there..... just incase a someone I know should chance upon the blog........So much for all that talk about bloggers' liscence!!

At the end of three days, I resign to the good old way and decide to follow another blog in order to get people to follow mine......... and in the process, I find some that I could'nt care less about and then some that were really quite good....but so darn good that I was'nt sure I wanted them to read my blog !
....... and so I decide to keep looking, ..... till I chance up on my cousin's blog to realize the kid had talent,I mean , really ......and so I zero in on her's, reasoning out, that since she's related to me n all, she'd be forced to cut me some slack if at all she ended up reading mine!, I go ahead and comment on one of her best posts.......only, I could'nt figure out how to do it using my blogger id!....Bummer!!....I know, u're probably thinking I am a complete idiot..... well lets just say I'm not all that tech savy......
And to reinstate the fact, the other day I stumbled upon this blog I totally loved, and decided to follow it, only to realize i could'nt figure out how to!... OK! that didn't exactly come as a complete surprise now, did it?.
Look, here's the thing ok, my blog has a "Follow me" tab in bold on the top right corner......I could'nt be more blunt about it I know ....but atleast it serves the purpose..... especially for dummies like me, right? I wonder why people have a problem keeping it plain and simple? Anyways, the end of it all, the fact still remains that I still have'nt figured how to follow that blog........ Is there such a thing as blogging for dummies?? I should probably try googling it sometime...... See?.... I can google!.....I'm not so bad after all !!
Ok now I've been thinking of different ways to conclude this post.....u know, something fun.... and snazzy....but couldn't come up with anything for the time being ....,so chao for now